Thursday, 26 March 2015

Gumi Gem - Teething Necklace and competition

Now Ella is coming up to 6 months we now have the next big step! Teething!!

She has just got over her 3rd set of immunisations and happy again, and then I am sure in the next couple of weeks the dribbling, crying, red cheeks and discomfort will start.

Ella has also just started to show an interest in toys and grabbing things. And so when I heard about the Gumigem jewellery I was interested to find out more

Gumigem is a UK family run business who create award winning jewellery designed to look amazing but for baby in mind.

I was kindly send a  heart shape necklace and its so gorgeous I plan to wear it most of the time when around Ella. You wouldn't really know it was baby related just a piece of outfit jewellery.

The necklace is made out of silicon, completely chewable and washable. It is BPA and PVC free like you would find a dummy teat or baby spoon.

Now babies always love to pull on hair and necklaces so this is perfect, she can play with it and also have a little chomp which will hopefully relieve the discomfort on those poor little gums. As I can always wear it I know I wont be without it even when we will be out and about.

So overall I love this product, something so simple will cause so much relieve for months to come!

              Here she had a play with it, but would never leave her with it due to the cord

There are plenty of designs to choose from check the out on the GumiGem website HERE  or check out their Facebook page

I would now like to give you the opportunity to win a Gumigem necklace worth £12.95

Win a GumiGem Necklace rrp £12.95


  1. cucumber straight from the fridge

  2. I swear by ashton and parsons powder for the first lot of teeth and when its really bad alternate between calpol and nurofen.

  3. Teething powder and cucumber to chew on

  4. Food net with a chunk of refrigerated cucumber (For a small baby so that they do not choke on the food)

  5. We used Ashton and Parsons teething powder and bonjela which helped

  6. i always kept frozen fruit slices in freezer and used a food net thingy for them
